(Click the Blue Circles Below to See the Common Trouble Spots)
Chimney Inspections
Over time, chimneys collect soot and ash which can in turn create unsafe fire conditions
Tuck pointing and liner inspections are necessary to ensure the chimney is still up to code.
Energy Inspections
Heat and valuable energy can escape from windows, doorways and other vulnerable spaces.
Draft and energy inspections help to make a home both more economical and comfortable.
Roof Inspection
The weather in the Pacific Northwest is notorious for shortening the life span of any shingled roof.
Roof inspections can help address concerns before they become issues and make the home more attractive to a potential buyer.
Interior Inspection
Interior inspections involve all the components of electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. Functionality in these 3 areas will go a long way in making a home more attractive to any buyer.
Additionally, water spots, interior signs of mold or pests can help save costs down the road with more affordable, timely repairs now.
Basment/Crawlspace Inspection
Basements and crawlspaces are attractive features for potential home buyers. They offer extra storage and even living space.
They are also prone to moisture with our winters up here and thorough inspections help address water sources and leaks before they get out of hand.